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Amendment 1


 Protect Freedom of Religion, Association, Speech, Press, and Assembly :


  •  The equal rights of all law abiding, sovereign, American citizens matter all the time. No exceptions.


  •  The right of all law abiding, sovereign, American citizens to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose should be valued.


  •  The government must treat all law abiding, sovereign, American citizens fairly and equally before the law.


  •  Our country was founded on the promise of individual liberty. Unfortunately today, many of our freedoms, including our religious liberties and freedom of speech, are under assault. 

  •  All law abiding, sovereign, American citizens have equal right to worship according to their beliefs. 


  •  Government is to be kept out of the religious realm.


  •  Our Constitution grants no authority to the federal government either to grant or deny the religious expressions of the law abiding, sovereign, American citizen in any place. Both the 1st and 10th Amendments forbid such tyranny.


  •  All branches of government should cease their attacks on the religious liberties of the law abiding, sovereign, American citizens and the states, regardless of the forum in which these liberties are exercised.


  •  Any form of taxation on churches and other religious organizations is a direct and dangerous step toward state control of the church. Such intrusion is prohibited by the Constitution and must be halted.

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