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 Pursuant to Article 2, Section 2, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution, the authority of the President as the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States to deploy American troops into combat without a declaration of war by Congress should be fully supported.

 Pursuant to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 of the United States Constitution, the Congressional authority to declare war and deploy American troops into combat should be fully supported.  

  •  It is a primary obligation of the federal government to provide for the common defense, and to be vigilant regarding potential threats, prospective capabilities, and perceived intentions of potential enemies.


  •  Unilateral disarmament and dismemberment of America’s defense infrastructure should be opposed. That which is hastily torn down will not be easily rebuilt.


  •  The United States of America should be the friend of liberty everywhere, but the guarantor and provisioner of ours alone.


  •  The maintenance of a strong, state of the art military on land, sea, in the air, and in space should be supported. The executive and legislative branches should continue to provide for the modernization of our armed forces, in keeping with advancing technologies and a constantly changing world situation. The deployment of a fully operational strategic defense system as soon as possible should be supported.


  •  All defense expenditures should be directly related to the protection of our nation, and that every item of expenditure must be carefully reviewed to eliminate foreign aid, waste, fraud, theft, inefficiency, and excess profits from all defense contracts and military expenditures.


  •  Well regulated militias organized at the state level should be fully supported. The restoration of unorganized militia at the county and community level in compliance with our patriotic and legal responsibilities as free citizens of the United States of America should be fully supported and encouraged.


  •  Defending our borders from invasion is indispensable to protecting our nation from terrorist threats.


  •  The United States of America has consistently opposed terrorism from the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Central and South America. 


  •  Since World War 2, the United States has been involved in tragic wars which cost our country the lives of many thousands of young Americans and would not justify the sacrifice of Americans on foreign battlefields. 


  •  Never again should United States military troops be employed on any foreign field of battle with the continuation of the same interventionist policy, of financing or arming of belligerents in the world’s troubled areas. That policy’s capacity to involve our country in repeated wars should be opposed. 

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