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2023 TV Warren 5th District Campaign Speech 

Hello my fellow residents of Warren. 

My name is Eddie Kabacinski. 

I am the 5 th District Area Councilman. 

It is my intention to continue my service of representing and advocating for the residents in the NEW EAST CENTRAL AREA. 

I would like to continue the work that I have done every day in the South Central Area answering to the concerns from the residents. 

I have done this work in order to improve the relationship between city hall and the residents. 

It has been an honor to demonstrate that sound constitutional conservative principles are effective values in my service of the residents ! 


So here are my goals as YOUR COMMUNITY PARTNER for a more wholesome Warren :


  • Continued support for constitutional law enforcement against the invading drug dealing cartels and the human traffickers. 

  • Public Safety is and absolute priority !

  • Continued support for the fire service needs of manpower and equipment for the brand new fire station house # 1 on Van Dyke and fire station house # 5. 


  • There will be a new water splash pad at Weigand Park and I fully support the new cricket field. 

  • I would still like to work on establishing a nature center and a parks ranger patrol programfor the parks and recreation department. 

  • The residents have made a significant financial investment for the improvements to the parks that demands to be protected against damage and abuse. 


  • I want to continue the working relationship established with the Tax Increment finance authority and the Downtown Development Authority for new retail, dining, and shopping along Van Dyke. 

  • Persuading restaurants like Waffle House, What-A-Burger, Wienerschnitzel, Jack-In-The-Box that do not currently have any locations her in Michigan to operate her in the

  • City of Warren. 

  • When other restaurants not located here in Michigan arrived, those municipalities became a destination to visit and spend money along with the employment opportunities for the residents. 


  • I will work to stop excessive government spending to reduce inflation and taxation. 

  • The council majority just spent over $315 million tax payer dollars over a weekend in a private residence. 

  • So, I voted NO on the budget !


  • The residents are the best stewards for the expenditures of their hard earned money not the government. 

  • It is your choice whether to have solar panels, an electric or gas stove, or an electric or gas vehicle. 

  • I support American oil and gas production, which creates more high paying American employment and is better for our national economy. 


  • Last but not least, I would like to work on stopping the attacks on faith, the suppression of free speech, and not criminalizing the redress of grievances by the residents especially when it involves protecting their children. 

These are my goals as YOUR COMMUNITY PARTNER for a more wholesome

Warren in the 5th District. 

I humbly ask for your vote in the primary election on Tuesday 08 August 2023 and then again in the general election on Tuesday 07 November 2023. 

I Thank You for your time and I Thank You for your attention. 

May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.  

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