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City Charter of Warren Chapter 4. Officers 

Sec. 4.3 (b) page 19 Certain persons ineligible for city office. 

" No person shall simultaneously hold two city offices or a city office and a city employment, nor shall any person simultaneously hold an elective city office and an elective county office and school district office. No person who holds and elective county or school district office shall be eligible to qualify for or to assume an elective city office to which he has been elected, until he first resigns from the elective county of school office held by him. 

  • Jay Michael Jackson is currently an officer of the City of Warren Crime Commission and has not resigned from that city office prior to filing for elective city office.  

  • Jay Michael Jackson is currently a City of Warren Department of Police Chaplin and has not resigned from city employment prior to filing for elective city office. 

City Charter of Warren Chapter 2. Definitions and General Provisions 

Sec. 2.6 Penalties for violations of charter. 

" Any person found guilty of an act constituting a violation of this charter may be punished by a fine which, in addition to court costs charged to him, shall not exceed five hundred dollars or imprisonment for not more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Imprisonment for violations of this charter may be in the city or the county jail, or in any work house of the state which is authorized by law to receive prisoners of the city. This section shall not operate to limit or prejudice the power to remove officers or discharge employees as provided in this charter. " 

Jay Michael Jackson has filed an Affidavit of Identity and Receipt of Filing on Monday 03 April 2023 to campaign for City of Warren 5th District Council. 

Within Section 3 : Certification and acknowledgement, a statement of attestation by signing I acknowledge that making a false statement in this affidavit is perjury - a felony punishable by a fine up to $1,000 or imprisonment for up to five years and may result in disqualification from the ballot. 


Jay Michael Jackson signed the statement of attestation of qualified eligibility on Monday 03 April 2023 and yet knowingly violated the City Charter of Warren. 


As a result of the criminal actions by Jay Michael Jackson I have filed a criminal complaint report # 230031182 with the City of Warren Department of Police on Tuesday 06 May 2023 at 14:29 hours PM 


This criminal complaint was forwarded to Sheriff's Detective Sergeant David Crabtree from the County of Macomb. 

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