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Local Issues



General Welfare : 

Free health care and free accessible, clean, safe drinking water and sanitation should be provided for citizens of the City of Warren.

Immigration :


The City of Warren should not serve as sanctuary cities and protect our citizens of Warren it that are here residing and working in the cities legally against a lower wage structure and the balance of labor from the mass importation of people with low standards of living and those who wish to commit criminal offenses against our citizens in the City of Warren. 
















In addition, the law enforcement corps within the City of Warren should be encouraged to work in concert with every branch of the Federal Law Enforcement corps in the apprehension and deportation of those illegally working, residing, or committing criminal offenses within the City of Warren.  

Defense : 

General Dynamics Land Systems produced the M1 Abrams tank at the United States Army Tank Automotive and Armaments Command ( TACOM ) facility until 1996, when the plant was closed and tank assembly and maintenance operations were consolidated at a plant in Lima, Ohio. The plant and some of the adjoining property were transferred to the City of Warren in 2001. The site of the original tank plant has been parceled up and is now dedicated to civilian uses. This should have never occurred. Unilateral disarmament and dismemberment of America’s defense infrastructure should be opposed. That which is hastily torn down will not be easily rebuilt. The maintenance of a strong, state of the art military on land, sea, in the air, and in space should be supported and continue to provide for the modernization of our armed forces, in keeping with advancing technologies and a constantly changing world situation. 

The portion of the property not sold to the City of Warren remains an active Army facility. TACOM continues to function at the location with many agencies present and is in fact in a major building boom as of 2010. The installation is managed by Installation Management Command ( IMCOM ) and hosts the headquarters of the United States Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center ( TARDEC ) and the United States Army TACOM Life Cycle Management Command. The City of Warren should strongly encourage the greater expansion of the installation as opposed to its reduction is size. Municipalities with military installations make a community a better and safe place to reside in and civilians tend to gain financially from it as well. 

Economy : 

Removing unproductive regulations, reducing and eliminating

taxes, and job creation should be fully supported in the City

of Warren. 

A Good and Safe Job with Adequate Fair Wages and Decent Living. 

  • Every sovereign American citizen who wants to work has the right to a good and safe job. 

  • If injured while employed conducting the business of the employer, the employer accepts responsibility and the worker is immediately provided quality medical health care treatment and financially compensated for their injury. 

  • Freedom from discrimination in hiring, firing, promotions, harassment, and violence where we earn a fair return on our work and receive a wage that allows us to support ourselves and our families. 

  • A fair return on our work should include profit sharing and performance bonuses.

  • A basic living wage that allows one to support themselves and their family should be based upon a month's rent or mortgage payment and the work performed of a 40 hour week.


A Decent Home. 


Quality Medical Health Care : Regardless of income, job, or a preexisting condition. 


Economic Protection ​during Sickness, Accident, Old Age, or Unemployment : 

  • Paid Time Off for vacation time or sick leave and Flexible Predictable Scheduling to spend time with family or care for ourselves or a loved one and retire with a pension in dignity and financial security. 

  • Every working sovereign American citizen should be provided with retirement compensation from previous employment and a pension for 20 years of employment.

  • Social Security Insurance should provide for basic living expenses while disabled or in retirement.


A Good Education : Public K-12, higher education, and career training that advances our knowledge and skills without leaving us in debt. 

A consumers protection ordinance to exercise the redemption and usage of manufacturers coupons in order to obtain free or save money on goods and services from businesses should be fully supported within the City of Warren. 

In addition, we need legislation that will protect the residents in our city from the type of financial and banking practices that caused all of these foreign investors from Canada, the orient and the middle east from buying up residential properties that have lead to the decline in the quality of life in the City of Warren. This includes the predatory credit and loan industry that exists only to profit from our residents instead of assisting our residents with their financial needs. These banking and financial institutions, credit, and loan providers know exactly who they are and know exactly what they have done and are continuing to perpetrate upon our residents everyday. Every week in our civil court system another resident is losing in our judicial system against these companies that take what our residents have worked for. Our elected judges go right along with their program and find against our residents and they lose their house, car, money or retirement assests. Well I say enough is enough ! I will not tolerate this type of behavior any longer ! I intend to be your advocate everyday and I want to know when you are be subjected to these injustices.       


Judiciary : 


Judges within the City of Warren 37th District Court that have not upheld their oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, to include adherence to federal law versus local city ordinance as the supreme law of the land when passing judgement on legal cases brought before them should be immediately removed from the bench. 


Crime and Justice : 

Under the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act ( NREPA ), The creation of park and recreation enforcement officers ( MCL 324.74124 ), should be fully supported within the City of Warren Parks and Recreation Department for the protection and usage of city parks and recreational properties by residents and patrons safety. 


Our city parks and recreational facilities are now increasingly open from the usage by those who are not City of Warren residents and they are not held responsible for the vandalism, misuse, maintenance costs, trash from littering which creates pest and rodent infestations, or damages caused.   


In addition,  Under the direction and jurisdictional authority from the Van Dyke, Warren Consolidated, and Warren Woods Boards of Education, The creation of school district safety officers should be fully supported within the City of Warren Public Schools.


This is based on the 3 most recent incidents of violent crimes committed involving criminal sexual assault in a stairwell of a female student at Lincoln High in November 2017 , a " kill list " posted by a student then knife fight by 2 male students at Carter Middle in March 2018, and murder in a classroom of a female student at Fitzgerald High in September 2018. 


There is a proactive need for an increased level of law enforcement on school property for the safety and protection of students that attend our institutions of learning and education. No student should be in fear of attending school to obtain an education or participating in any event functions organized on school properties. 

Education : 

Education should be school of choice and free in the City of Warren. All current local municipal legislation related to taxing education should be repealed. No new local municipal laws subsidizing or regulating education should be enacted. 

Military Veterans : 


Benefits for United States Armed Forces servicemen, military combat veterans, and their survivors should be fully supported within the City of Warren. The City of Warren should create a Veteran's Affairs Division to provide military veterans that reside within our municipality the assistance they need in obtaining their Veteran's Administration Disability Claims. Any civilized society is judged on how well it treats and cares for their military veterans and the City of Warren should be fully supported to become the gold standard for them.


Amendment 1 :  

Protecting the Freedom of Speech and Assembly at any and all municipal government meetings should be fully supported and a resident should not be limited to just 3 to 5 minutes in order to express their viewpoint on their topic of concern when addressing the governing bodies. 


Amendment 2 : 


Constitutional Open Carry of holstered firearms by law abiding, sovereign,

American citizens within the City of Warren for the protection of self

defense should be fully supported .  


Amendment 10 : 

A city ordinance should only grant more rights, privileges, and protections for consumers, employees, and other residents rather than to restrict what is available under existing state or federal law, that is not contrary to the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution.  

Any city ordinance that is contrary to the United States Constitution, federal law, or state law should be repealed. 

Amendment 14 : 

The United States Army Corps of Engineers has supervised most of the construction for the United States Army and, after 1947, for the United States Air Force ( the navy has its own construction agencies ). It has also had important, if sometimes controversial, civil works responsibilities with the tasks of facilitating military movement by the construction of roads and bridges, military engineering has been part of warfare since ancient times. During the Cold War, the Corps of Engineers engaged in a major construction program as part of the military buildup of the early 1950's. In the United States and around the world, Army Corps of Engineers built roads and bridges. 


The Dwight David Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways ( commonly known as the Interstate Highway System, Interstate Freeways, or simply the Interstate ) is a network of controlled access highways that forms a part of the National Highway System of the United States. The Interstate Highway System is named for President Dwight David Eisenhower, who championed its formation. Construction was authorized by the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956, popularly known as the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956 ​and the original portion was completed 35 years later in 1991. 


The City of Warren should return the responsibility of maintaining the construction of the roads and bridges within the city to the Federal Transportation Administration and the United States Army Corps of Engineers.  

Amendment 16 : 

Taxation and water rates are a recipe for disaster for losing and upsetting dedicated home owners. 


It is my plan to introduce legislation to reduce the home owner's tax burden in a two tier plan over the next two year term. I will ask that the City of Warren Tax Assessor determine the property taxable value based upon the current market value and not upon what the City of Warren sources in it's belief of the housing value. To that end I will also be asking for the assessing taxable value only a 10 % to 25 % of the current taxable value of the house during years 1 and 2.


This will provide a tax abatement of sorts to the home owners that have made an investment to reside in the City of Warren but are struggling to make ends meet due to the lack of downtown development in the East Central Warren Area. The reduced taxation should then entice and inspire new business development in the East Central Warren Area along Van Dyke M-53 between 8 Mile Road  M-102 and Stevens Road the City of Center Line southern border to Warren. 


By the end of years 1 and 2 if enough business development has not been inspired in the East Central Warren Area I will ask for another 2 % to 10 % reduction of the home owner's tax burden  during years 3 and 4 to further entice the downtown development of businesses in the East Central Warren Area. Thus, having a vibrant downtown business district in the south end will increase property values and then we can once again return to a normal economy where the home owners do not bear the tax burden.


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