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City Charter of Warren Chapter 4. Officers 

Sec. 4.2 page 19 Eligibility for city office; general qualifications.

" Except as otherwise provided in this charter, a person is eligible to hold an elective city office if he has been a registered elector of the city, or of territory annexed to the city, or both, for at least two years immediately preceding his election or appointment. " 

  • Public records search provides that the primary homestead property tax is for an address of 1128 North Blair Avenue, Royal Oak, Oakland County, Michigan, 48067 as the current residency

  • Public records search provides that the 27156 Gail Drive, Warren, Macomb County, Michigan, 48093 address residency ceased on Thursday 06 April 2023. 

  • Public records search provides that the 27156 Gail Drive, Warren, Macomb County, Michigan, 48093 address was a personal asset sold for $93,100. The birth date was listed as 18 September 1956. 

City Charter of Warren Chapter 4. Officers 

Sec. 4.3 (b) page 19 Certain persons ineligible for city office. 

" No person shall simultaneously hold two city offices or a city office and a city employment, nor shall any person simultaneously hold an elective city office and an elective county office and school district office. No person who holds an elective county or school district office shall be eligible to qualify for or to assume an elective city office to which he has been elected, until he first resigns from the elective county or school office held by him

  • Henry Loring Newnan is currently a school district officer for the City of Center Line School Board and has not resigned from that city office prior to filing for elective city office. 

City Charter of Warren Chapter 2. Definitions and General Provisions 

Sec. 2.6 Penalties for violations of charter. 

" Any person found guilty of an act constituting a violation of this charter may be punished by a fine which, in addition to court costs charged to him, shall not exceed five hundred dollars or imprisonment for not more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Imprisonment for violations of this charter may be in the city or the county jail, or in any work house of the state which is authorized by law to receive prisoners of the city. This section shall not operate to limit or prejudice the power to remove officers or discharge employees as provided in this charter. " 

Henry Newnan has filed an Affidavit of Identity and Receipt of Filing on Friday 24 March 2023 to campaign for City of Warren 5th District Council. 

Within Section 3 : Certification and acknowledgement, a statement of attestation by signing I acknowledge that making a false statement in this affidavit is perjury - a felony punishable by a fine up to $1,000 or imprisonment for up to five years and may result in disqualification from the ballot. 


Henry Loring Newnan signed the statement of attestation of qualified eligibility on Friday 24 March 2023 and yet knowingly violated the City Charter of Warren. 


As a result of the criminal actions by Henry Loring Newnan I have filed a criminal complaint report # 230031184 with the City of Warren Department of Police on Tuesday 06 May 2023 at 14:29 hours PM 


This criminal complaint was forwarded to Sheriff's Detective Sergeant David Crabtree from the County of Macomb. 

NEWNAN ATTACK_edited.jpg

Yes, now your campaign is under attack since you decided to buy in on the fake news media report from Tuesday 6 August 2019 on your Facebook page and attack me on the residency nonsense.


It is finally time to expose you for what you stand for in this election.

NEWNAN 11 JULY 2019_edited.jpg

 On Tuesday 11 June 2019, Robert Boccomino the current Warren City Councilman - District 5 was term limited by a court order from campaigning for another 4 year term after already serving for 12 years along with 3 other Warren City Councilmen.

 On Saturday 29 June 2019, Henry Newnan attended a Coffee with the Candidates Event for Bill Clift - District 1, Susan Smiley - District 3, Garry Watts - District 4, and Eddie Kabacinski - District 5 at the Morning Star Restaurant and decided to announce his intent to oppose me for the District 5 Councilman. 

 On Thursday 11 July 2019, Henry Newnan announces that he is campaigning for Warren City Councilman - District 5 " . . . when my FRIEND Robert Boccomino was removed from the ballot. "  


Henry NEWNAN is a GREEN political party candidate for a non - partisan public office ! ! !   


The Green Party politicians although might be environmentalist "green" on the outside, these liberal leftists are secretly communist red if you look beneath the surface. 

They typically resort to such subterfuge because environmentalism is more popular than Marxism by Karl Marx.  

The case of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democrat from New York, is different in that she openly advertised herself as a socialist in a country with a well grounded historical aversion to such alien ideologies.

But her grand policy initiative, the $93 trillion Green New Deal, was still billed as if it were a legitimate environmentalist idea.

We were supposedly trying to save the world from imminent destruction.

As Ocasio-Cortez herself put it, "We're, like, the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change." 

She would have us think, then, that this is a conversation about science. We need the Green New Deal, or else humanity is doomed.

But now we know a lot more about this proposal, and it appears that that isn't what the Green New Deal is about at all. 


Her chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti (the brains and the money, behind her political operation ever since her 2018 primary victory) divulged in an unintentionally blunt comment in the Washington Post that the Green New Deal was not only not based in the science of climate change, but in fact not even designed with climate change in mind.

"It wasn’t originally a climate thing at all,” he is quoted as saying. 

In other words, it's not that they looked for a way to save the world, and just happened to find a way that involved full employment pledges, the retrofitting of millions of buildings, income for those unwilling to work, high speed passenger rail, and the curtailment of plane travel and carnivorousness.

That's precisely backwards.

The Green New Deal came about because Chakrabarti wanted to transform the U.S. economy into something more primitive, and environmentalism struck him as the best excuse for doing so. 

Think of the Green New Deal as an updated (and we hope less lethal) version of the "Year Zero" concept. Americans will be reassigned under a new socialist order to environmentally friendly tasks.

The saving of the planet is not the goal of the Green New Deal but rather the excuse for it: the common purpose around which we all unite to pursue the deindustrialized, Utopian America of tomorrow. 

And we need that Utopian socialist society because ... wait, why exactly?

Because of the despotic cruelty of our tsar and the grinding poverty of his recently enslaved subjects?

Because none of the peasants own any land in our impoverished feudal society? 

That doesn't seem right, does it? 

Perhaps the problem is that workers' wages are at all-time highs and unemployment is at all-time lows.

Or perhaps it's that our nation is so poor and bereft of opportunity that everyone who can walk or even crawl is literally risking life and limb and crossing deserts to get here. 

Well, then.

Now we see why the Green New Deal was sold as an environmental bill.

Like all socialist schemes, Chakrabarti's "Year Zero" is the answer to a question no one is asking and which no one sane would ever ask. 

This is why attention-grabbing socialists such as Ocasio-Cortez should not be taken seriously as policymakers and that you shouldn't listen to anyone who claims that the world is going to end unless you immediately pass my bill.

- Washington Examiner, Saturday 13 July 2019 


. . .  income for those unwilling to work . . .

That doesn't seem right, does it? 

Perhaps the problem is that workers' wages are at all-time highs and unemployment is at all-time lows.

Christopher Marchione of Utica, Michigan is a Political Consultant for Henry Newnan and Political Director for Vanguard Public Affairs

NEWNAN UAW_edited.jpg

Wow ! Really, I wonder how many times the UAW striking in Warren have seen Henry Newnan on the picket line or brought snacks, beverages, and supplies in support of those UAW striking in Warren ? 


Eddie Kabacinski on the picket line in support of UAW striking in Warren.

Sep 25, 8:57 PM


Christopher Marchione





I find your fascination with Hal Newnan funny bordering on psychopathic.

What’s sad is that you really have no idea what he’s campaigning on, you just assume.

Also, are you a part of the sovereign citizen movement?

Mr Newnan has plenty about his platform that is widely available, why aren’t you questioning that?


Hello Christopher Marchione,

Thank You for your interest in the Eddie Kabacinski Committee and the public information available on Newnan located on his Facebook page in his own words.

Under The United States Constitution created by our country's fore fathers and with spiritual, moral, and ethical guidance from our creator we are all sovereign American citizens in our country. It is only the leftist liberal democratic socialist that have tried and continue to try to destroy our Constitutional Republic.

Thank You for your interest in my campaign.

- Eddie Kabacinski, Candidate for Warren City Councilman - District 5.

“We’re giving it to the 10th District because this is considered ‘Trump country,’ but is it really?

Most of them are retired union workers and if we start fighting, we will start winning,”

 - Jeremy Fisher, president of the Warren Area Democratic Club and an event organizer for the UAW.


Every industry under attack by this lunacy should now join our efforts to stop it.  Cattlemen, farmers, airlines, the auto industry, realtors, tourist industry, and many more, all will be put out of business – all should now take bold action to immediately kill this plan before it kills your industry. Stomp it so deeply into the ground that no politician will ever dare think about resurrecting it.

In support of the plan, David Brower of the Sierra Club (one of the NGD authors of the agenda) said, “Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license.” Leading environmental groups advocated that the Earth could only support a maximum of one billion people, leading famed Dr. Jacques Cousteau to declare, “In order to stabilize world populations, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day.”


Sometimes if you fight hard enough and refuse to back down, no matter the odds, your truth is vindicated and prevails!

For twenty years I have been labeled a conspiracy theorist, scaremonger, extremist, dangerous, nut case.

I’ve been denied access to stages, major news programs, and awarded tin foil hats.

All because I have worked to expose Agenda 21 and its policy of sustainable development as a danger to our property rights, economic system, and culture of freedom.

From its inception in 1992 at the United Nation’s Earth Summit, 50,000 delegates, heads of state, diplomats and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) hailed Agenda 21 as the “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.”

The 350-page, 40 chapter, Agenda 21 document was quite detailed and explicit in its purpose and goals. 

They warned us that the reorganization would be dictated through all-encompassing policies affecting every aspect of our lives, using environmental protection simply as the excuse to pull at our emotions and get us to voluntarily surrender our liberties.

Section I details “Social and Economic Dimensions” of the plan, including redistribution of wealth to eradicate poverty, maintain health through vaccinations and modern medicine, and population control.

To introduce the plan, the Earth Summit Chairman, Maurice Strong boldly proclaimed, “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.”

Of course, according to the plan, if it’s not “sustainable” it must be stopped.

In support of the plan, David Brower of the Sierra Club (one of the NGO authors of the agenda) said, “Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license.”

Leading environmental groups advocated that the Earth could only support a maximum of one billion people, leading famed Dr. Jacques Cousteau to declare, “In order to stabilize world populations, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day.”

Section II provides the “Conservation and Management of Resources for Development” by outlining how environmental protection was to be the main weapon, including global protection of the atmosphere, land, mountains, oceans, and fresh waters – all under the control of the United Nations.

To achieve such global control to save the planet, it is necessary to eliminate national sovereignty and independent nations.

Eliminating national borders quickly led to the excuse for openly allowing the “natural migration” of peoples.

The UN Commission on Global Governance clearly outlined the goal for global control stating, “The concept of national sovereignty has been immutable, indeed a sacred principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation.”

That pretty much explains why the supporters of such a goal go a little off the rails when a presidential candidate makes his campaign slogan “Make America Great Again.”

The main weapon for the Agenda was the threat of Environmental Armageddon, particularly manifested through the charge of man-made global warming, later to conveniently become “climate change.”

It didn’t matter if true science refused to cooperate in this scheme as actual global temperatures really are not rising and there continues to be no evidence of any man-made affect on the climate.

Truth hasn’t been important to the scare mongers.

Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation said, “We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.

Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.”

To further drive home their complete lack of concern for truth, Paul Watson of Green Peace declared, “It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.”

So in their zealotry to enforce the grand agenda, social justice became the “moral force” over the rule of law as free enterprise, private property, rural communities and individual consumption habits became the targets, labeled as racist and a social injustice.

Such established institutions and free market economics were seen as obstructions to the plan, as were traditional family units, religion, and those who were able to live independently in rural areas.

Finally, Agenda 21 was summed up in supporting documents this way: “Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced. It requires a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals, and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.”

Of course, such harsh terms had to be hidden from the American people if the plan was to be successfully imposed.

They called it a “suggestion” for “voluntary” action –  just in case a nation or community wanted to do something positive for mankind!

However, while using such innocent-sounding language, the Agenda 21 shock troops lost no time pushing it into government policy.

In 1992, just after its introduction at the Earth Summit, Nancy Pelosi introduced a resolution of support for the plan into Congress.

It’s interesting to note that she boldly called it a “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.”

In 1993, new President, Bill Clinton ordered the establishment of the President’s Council for Sustainable Development, with the express purpose of enforcing the Agenda 21 blueprint into nearly every agency of the federal government to assure it became the law of the land.

Then the American Planning Association issued a newsletter in 1994, supporting Agenda 21’s ideas as a “comprehensive blueprint” for local planning.

So much for a voluntary idea!

However, as we, the opponents started to gain some ground in exposing its true purpose and citizens began to storm city halls protesting local implementation, suddenly the once proud proponents lost their collective memories about Agenda 21.

Never heard of it!

“There are no blue-helmeted troops at city hall,” said one proponent, meaning policies being used to impose it were not UN driven, but just “local, local, local”.

“Oh, you mean that innocuous 20 year-old document that has no enforcement capability? This isn’t that!”

These were the excuses that rained down on us from the planners, NGOs and government agents as they scrambled to hide their true intentions.

I was attacked on the front page of the New York Times Sunday paper under the headline, “Activists Fight Green Projects, Seeing U.N. Plot.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) produced four separate reports on my efforts to stop it, calling our efforts an “Antigovernment Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory.” 

The Atlantic magazine ran a story entitled, “Is the UN Using Bike Paths to Achieve World Domination?”

Attack articles appeared in the Washington Post, Esquire magazine, Wingnut Watch, Mother Jones, and Tree to name a few.

All focused on labeling our opposition as tin-foil-hat-wearing nut jobs.

Meanwhile, an alarmed American Planning Association (APA) created an “Agenda 21: Myths and Facts page on its web site to supposedly counter our claims.

APA then organized a “Boot Camp” to retrain its planners to deal with us, using a “Glossary for the Public,” teaching them new ways to talk about planning.

Said the opening line of the Glossary, “Given the heightened scrutiny of planners by some members of the public, what is said – or not said – is especially important in building support for planning.”

The Glossary went on to list words not to use like “Public Visioning,” “Stakeholders,” “Density,” and “Smart Growth,” because such words make the “Critics see red”.

Local elected officials, backed by NGO groups and planners, began to deride local activists – sometimes denying them access to speak at public meetings, telling them that Agenda 21 conspiracy theory has “been debunked”.

Most recently an irate city councilman answered a citizen who claimed local planning was part of Agenda 21 by saying “this is what’s “trending.” So, of course, if everyone is doing it is must be right!

Such has been our fight to stop this assault on our culture and Constitutional rights.

Over the years, since the introduction of Agenda 21 in 1992, the United Nations has created several companion updates to the original documents.

This practice serves two purposes.

One is to provide more detail on how the plan is to be implemented.

The second is to excite its global activists with a new rallying cry.

In 2000, the UN held the Millennium Summit, launching the Millennium Project featuring eight goals for global sustainability to be reached by 2015.

Then, when those goals were not achieved, the UN held another summit in New York City in September of 2015, this time outlining 17 goals to be reached by 2030.

This document became known as the 2030 Agenda, containing the exact same goals as were first outlined in Agenda 21 in 1992, and then again in 2000, only with each new incarnation offering more explicit direction for completion.

Enter the Green New Deal, representing the boldest tactic yet.

The origins and the purpose of the Green New Deal couldn’t be more transparent.

The forces behind Agenda 21 and its goal of reorganizing human society have become both impatient and scared. Impatient that 27 years after Agenda 21 was introduced, and after hundreds of meetings, planning sessions, massive propaganda, and billions of dollars spent, the plan still is not fully in place.

Scared because people around the world are starting to learn its true purpose and opposition is beginning to grow.

So the forces behind the Agenda have boldly thrown off their cloaking devices and their innocent sounding arguments that they just want to protect the environment and make a better life for us all.

Instead, they are now openly revealing that their goal is socialism and global control, just as I’ve been warning about for these past twenty years. Now they are determined to take congressional action to finally make it the law of the land.

Take a good look, those of you who have heard my warnings about Agenda 21 over the years.

Do you see the plan I have warned about being fully in place in this Green New Deal?

  • I warned that Agenda 21 would control every aspect of our lives, including how and were we live, the jobs we have, the mode of transportation available to us, and even what we eat. The Green New Deal is a tax on everything we do, make, wear, eat, drink, drive, import, export and even breathe.

  • In opposing Smart Growth plans in your local community, I said the main goal was to eliminate cars, to be replaced with bikes, walking, and light rail trains. The Green New Deal calls for the elimination of the internal combustion engine. Stay alert. The next step will be to put a ban on the sale of new combustion engines by a specific date and then limiting the number of new vehicles to be sold. Bans on commercial truck shipping will follow. Then they will turn to airplanes, reducing their use. Always higher and higher taxes will be used to get the public to “voluntarily” reduce their use of such personal transportation choices. That’s how it works, slowly but steadily towards the goal.

  • I warned that under Smart Growth programs now taking over every city in the nation that single-family homes are a target for elimination, to be replaced by high-rise stack and pack apartments in the name of reducing energy use. That will include curfews on carbon heating systems, mandating they be turned off during certain hours. Heating oil devises will become illegal. Gradually, energy use of any kind will be continually reduced. The Green New Deal calls for government control of every single home, office and factory to tear down or retrofit them to comply with massive environmental energy regulations.

  • I warned that Agenda 21 Sustainable policy sought to drive those in rural areas off the farms and into the cities where they could be better controlled. Those in the cities will be ordered to convert their gardens into food producers. Most recently I warned that the beef industry is a direct target for elimination. It will start with mandatory decreases in meat consumption until it disappears form our daily diet. The consumption of dairy will follow. Since the revelation of the Green New Deal the national debate is now over cattle emissions of methane and the drive to eliminate them from the planet. Controlling what we eat is a major part of the Green New Deal.

  • I warned that part of the plan for Agenda 2030 was “Zero Economic Growth.” The Green New Deal calls for a massive welfare plan where no one earns more than anyone else. Incentive to get ahead is dead. New inventions would disrupt their plan for a well-organized, controlled society. So, where will jobs come from after we have banned most manufacturing, shut down most stores, stopped single-family home construction, closed the airline industry, and severely regulated farms and the entire food industry? This is their answer to the hated free markets and individual choice.

The Green New Deal will destroy the very concept of our Constitutional Republic, eliminating private property, locally elected representative government, free markets and individual freedom.

All decisions in our lives will be made for us by the government – just to protect the environment of course.

They haven’t forgotten how well that scheme works to keep the masses under control.

Though the label “Green New Deal” has been passing around globalist circles for a while, it’s interesting that its leaders have now handed it to a naïve, inexperienced little girl from New York who suddenly found herself rise from bartending to a national media sensation, almost over night.

That doesn’t just happen and there is no miracle here.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a created product.

They probably needed her inexperienced enthusiasm to deliver the Green New Deal because no established politician would touch it.

Now that it’s been introduced and she is set up to take the heat, the gates have swung open allowing forty-five members of Congress to co-sponsor it in the House of Representatives as established Senator Ed. Markey (D-MA) has sponsored it in the Senate.

That doesn’t just happen either.

Nothing has been left to chance.

Behind the sudden excitement and rush to support it are three radical groups each having direct ties to George Soros, including the Sunrise Movement – which markets itself as an “army of young people” seeking to make climate change a major priority. 

Justice Democrats – which finds and recruits progressive candidates, and New Consensus – organized to change how we think about issues.

Leaders of these groups have connections with other Soros-backed movements including Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street.

According to The New Yorker magazine, the plan was written over a single weekend in December, 2018.

Ocasio-Cortez was included in the effort, chosen to introduce it.

This may be the single reason why she was able to appear out of nowhere to become the new darling of the radical left.

So there you have it — Agenda 21, the Millennium Project, Agenda 2030, the Green New Deal.

Progress in the world of Progressives!

They warned us from the beginning that their plan was the “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society”.

And so it is to be the total destruction of our way of life.

To all of those elected officials, local, state and federal, who have smirked at we who have tried to sound the alarm, look around you now, hot shots!

You have denied, ignored, and yet, helped put these very plans into place.

Are you prepared to accept what you have done?

Will you allow your own homes and offices to be torn down – or will you be exempt as part of the elite or just useful idiots?

Will you have to give up your car and ride your bike to work?

Or is that just for we peasants?

Over these years you have listened to the Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy, the World Wildlife Fund, ICLEI, the American Planning Association, and many more, as they assured you their plans were just environmental protection, just good policy for future generations.

They have been lying to you to fulfill their own agenda!  

Well, now the truth is right in front of you.

There is no question of who and what is behind this.

And no doubt as to what the final result will be.

Now, our elected leaders have to ask real questions.

As the Green New Deal is implemented, and all energy except worthless, unworkable wind and solar are put into place, are you ready for the energy curfews that you will be forced to impose, perhaps each night as the sun fades, forcing factories, restaurants, hospitals, and stores to close at dusk?

How about all those folks forced to live in the stack and pack high-rises when the elevators don’t operate?

What if they have an emergency?

How much energy will it take to rebuild those buildings that must be destroyed or retrofitted to maker them environmentally correct for your brave new world?

Where will it come from after you have banned and destroyed all the workable sources of real energy?

What are you counting on to provide you with food, shelter, and the ability to travel so you can continue to push this poison?

Because – this is what’s trending — now!

And how is it going to be financed when the entire economy crashes under its weight?

Is it really the future you want for you, your family, and your constituents who elected you?

Every industry under attack by this lunacy should now join our efforts to stop it.  

Cattlemen, farmers, airlines, the auto industry, realtors, tourist industry, and many more, all will be put out of business – all should now take bold action to immediately kill this plan before it kills your industry.

Stomp it so deeply into the ground that no politician will ever dare think about resurrecting it.

For years I’ve watched politicians smirk, roll their eyes, and sigh whenever the words Agenda 21 were uttered.

As George Orwell said, “The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it”.

Today I stand vindicated in my warnings of where Agenda 21 was truly headed, because it’s not longer me having to reveal the threat.

They are telling you themselves.

Here’s the naked truth – Socialism is for the stupid.

The Green New Deal is pure Socialism.

How far its perpetrators get in enforcing it depends entirely on how hard you are willing to fight for freedom.

Kill it now or watch freedom die.

- EnvironmentFeaturedProperty RightsSustainable Development by Tom DeWeese, Monday 25 February 2019

Tom DeWeese is one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and American sovereignty and independence.


Green New Deal is a recipe for economic disaster that would hurt every American.

Billions of dollars are being spent each year in the U.S. to attempt to very slightly slow the pace of climate change – while raising the price of the energy we rely on and the goods and services we buy, and destroying jobs.

Meanwhile, the fantasy-based Green New Deal embraced by many Democrats would increase spending by an unachievable level to combat climate change and to fund other far-left priorities – costing at least $93 trillion over the first 10 years, according to a study by the American Action Forum.

That works out to about $600,000 for every U.S. household, according to the study. Would you like to pay that much more in taxes over the next decade?

Ocasio-Cortez assails Biden's 'middle ground' climate change plan, says it's 'dealbreaker'.

Acknowledging that there’s not $93 trillion available, supporters of the Green New Deal advocate simply printing more money. Never mind that this is a recipe for hyperinflation that would destroy the value of U.S. currency and send our economy into a depression – the Green New Deal dreamers can’t be bothered with details.

The Green New Dealers call climate change settled science, and if you disagree with them they say you’re a stooge of the oil companies, stupid, or evil – or all three. 

What they don’t tell you is that – as Ben Adler wrote in an opinion piece for The Washington Post May 2: “... the United States is currently responsible for only 15 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, and that share is declining as pollution from the developing world rises.”

Adler, who is a senior editor at City & State NY, goes on to say that even massive cuts in greenhouse emissions from the U.S would be insufficient in the fight against climate change unless every other rich country makes similar cuts immediately.

Adler is right, and many others have made the same point before.

Carbon dioxide (which we all exhale every time we breathe) and other greenhouse gases that are believed to cause global warming are emitted all over the world and cross borders.

So reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Iowa won’t slow climate change if emissions of the gasses go up in India, Iran and Indonesia.

It’s an established fact that the draconian steps mandated by the federal Environmental Protection Agency to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. would only prevent the planet from warming by 0.01 degrees Celsius – an almost imperceptible amount.

Former EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said: “The value of this rule is not measured in that way. It is measured in strong domestic action which can actually trigger global action to address what is a necessary action.”

In other words, McCarthy does not dispute the fact that the impact of enormously costly and disruptive new environmental regulations in the U.S. on climate change would be minimal. Her argument – and the argument of Green New Deal supporters – is that the U.S. should adopt such regulations to set an example for rest of the world.

Of course, what you won’t find in McCarthy’s testimony or that of those who agree with her is the fact that saddling the American people with costly environmental regulations would be of great benefit to our competitors and adversaries around the world.

In the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan cautioned European leaders against relying on the Soviet Union for energy.

Thirty years later, we find the European Union has an enormous dependence on guess who?


It’s an indisputable fact that oil, coal or natural gas produced in Russia, China or Iran sends as much greenhouse gasses into the global atmosphere as the same amount of fossil fuels produced in the U.S. But U.S.-produced energy strengthens our economy, creates jobs and reduces our foreign trade deficit. 

The EU obtains more than half of its energy from imports. Of these imports, Russia is far and away from the largest partner, providing nearly one-third of crude oil imports. 

It’s no coincidence European nations were paralyzed and unable to react when Russia decided to annex Crimea from Ukraine.

Being responsible for keeping the lights on gives Russia plenty of leverage. 

For the last two decades, climate change alarmists have done everything in their power to limit our own production of fossil fuels.

While they may believe they are saving the world, they don’t realize (or perhaps they do) that they are benefiting countries like our adversaries Russia, Iran and China. 

Lower U.S. production of fossil fuels – coal, oil and natural gas – means higher prices and fewer places from which to purchase energy. 

The EU could be buying its energy from the United States.

But during recent decades, while we had an ocean of fossil fuels beneath our feet, even the U.S. was sending money overseas to import energy for our own consumption. 

It’s an indisputable fact that oil, coal or natural gas produced in Russia, China or Iran sends as much greenhouse gasses into the global atmosphere as the same amount of fossil fuels produced in the U.S. But U.S.-produced energy strengthens our economy, creates jobs and reduces our foreign trade deficit. 

Luckily, in spite of the extreme environmental restrictions and hysteria, smart heads have prevailed.

U.S. energy production is now booming under the Trump administration.

Unlike President Barack Obama, President Trump has an energy policy based in reality. 

If you live in Philadelphia, Cleveland, Detroit or any city that has been struggling to stay afloat, take a look around and then go online and look at pictures of Dubai, which is part of the United Arab Emirates.

Then ask yourself why your city doesn’t look like Dubai. 

Perhaps it is because the politicians who run your city have done everything in their power to prevent our great country from unleashing our energy economy.

They are happy to scare you and tell you that the world will end if we don’t get rid of fossil fuels in just a few years. 

These Chicken Little environmental alarmists have been saying this every year for the last 20 years.

Our foreign adversaries and competitors love them, because the alarmists ensure the foreign producers will make billions of dollars more every year – picking the pockets of the American people. 

We have to be smarter. If solar and wind energy were viable economic alternatives, they would have replaced fossil fuels already.

And if they become viable in the future they will replace fossil fuels in the years ahead – that’s how the free market works. 

Should we adopt initiatives like the Green New Deal, we wouldn't be the only ones to suffer.

We would increase not only our own dependence on foreign energy but the dependence of our closest friends. 

We all care about our planet and the environment.

Nobody likes pollution and we all desire clean energy.

But climate change does not exist in a vacuum.

We need to look at the costs of draconian environmental regulations and the benefits the regulations provide. 

Bankrupting our nation, taxing the American people at impossible levels, and sending our economy into a depression are too high a price to pay for reducing the rise in global temperatures by 0.01 degrees Celsius. 

As you listen to presidential, congressional, and state and local candidates for elected office next year, keep all this in mind.

While the Green New Deal may sound good at first glance, it looks very different when you examine the terrible harm it would cause to our nation and to the American people.

- Joe Bastardi is a pioneer in extreme weather and long-range forecasting and the chief meteorologist at


 On Saturday 20 July 2019, Henry Newnan along with is attempting to blame The President of United States of America for the summer's heat wave as the current scorcher is just a taste of what's coming. 

 Then on Monday 12 August 2019, Henry Newnan along with the is attempting to suggest that a quarter of humanity faces looming water crisis. 

 What Henry Newnan does not seem to understand is the climate changes every year.

 We have the cooler and wetter in the winter and the hot and the dryer in the summer.

 You cannot legislate mother nature.

 That is just life.    

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 Using the incident in El Paso, Texas, CNN and Henry Newnan justifies his positions on illegal migration by those that enter our country's border without going through the proper and legal immigration process as a " . . . modern day lynchings . . . " 

 In addition, Maureen McDonald and Henry Newnan smear Sean Hannity from Fox News Channel on our constitutional right under Amendment 2 to protect our country from those that would invade it and those protecting our society free from any form of taxation. 



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  • NEWNAN supports liberal leftists " Green New Deal ", Globalization, and " One World Government " under the direction of Chairman Klaus Schwab from the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization. 

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